DNS Registration Notification
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Category : shengtong
Dalian office: Room 1505, Pingan Building,No.24 Renmin Road,Zhongshan District, Dalian P.R.China
Fax: +86-411-82539050?
Container Yard Addes: Dayaobay Shengtong Logistics
Fax +86-411-87598625 87598330
CM: +86-411-87598331? zhangfeng@dlshengtong.com.cn?
Export/Import :+86-411-87598281? wangjin@dlshengtong com.cn?
Transportation: +86-411-87598322 kongfan@dlshengtong.com.cn
Finance: +86-411-87598284?zhangjing@dlshengtong com.cn
Sales: +86-13591144443 liangxingming@dlshengtong.com.cn
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Scan two-dimensional code, pay attention to wins the official WeChat account, online check the status of the container online submission box management plan, online booking, online payment. Will be convenient and efficient in the end!
Category : news
Shengtong Logistic website new revision launched.
Online search, online plan, online booking